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Ignited Studios

Feed your soul with the scent of quality candles that are good for you and the environment.

Candles are wonderful, but they aren’t always made with the best ingredients nor do they last for an exceptionally long time. To provide the community with quality candles is Ignited Studios, founded by Liv Parian.

“Ignited Studios is the creative shop that makes your favorite candles,” she says. “We’ve got a perfect combination of high-end vessels, excellent scent selection, and quality wax. There’s never any ‘gunk’ in our 100% soy wax. We hand-make our candles to be as fierce and colorful as you are.”

The idea for Ignited Studios came about when Parian got more into meditation. That’s when she noticed just how many more candles she was burning through, so she started to become much more selective in the reusability of the containers and the type of wax being used. “I wanted something smart and responsible, but that didn’t lack any of the fun,” she says. It started with me making candles for myself, then grew from there.”

Parian says that she believes you shouldn’t have to sacrifice good looks for a good product. She values eccentricity and finds that the help of her friend and brother, who are artists, help her carry out the creative vision she has in mind with the products she creates.

The candles from Ignited Studios are all soy or coconut wax, which is beneficial to both customers and the planet. You’ll not only find poured container candles, but also fun pillars and tapers. “I like to experiment with different colors and scent combinations,” she adds. “The zodiac candles are probably my favorites.”

Although her business is still fairly new, Parian says that she knows she offers something special and unique to the community. “Ignited keeps things close-knit, curated, and purposeful,” she says. “Making candles in small batches, meeting new faces at markets, it’s all in the spirit of living in the moment and spreading positivity. With Ignited, you always know that you’re getting a quality product made with great energy and thoughtful materials.”

You can follow along with Ignited Studios on Instagram and TikTok. You can also shop her Etsy store here. And be on the lookout for Ignited Studios at local markets coming up throughout the year.

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