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How to Build a Better Lifestyle

Melissa Kirkpatrick
If you look to better your lifestyle, here are five areas our business and life coach knows will help you create a solid foundation.

If you are like most, you look for ways to improve personally and professionally to create a more happy and abundant lifestyle. 

Sometimes it can seem challenging, and you may struggle, but if you practice the six pillars I’ve identified below, you can begin to build a better lifestyle in all areas of your life.

Get crystal clear.

Focus on what you want for your business, relationships, health, and finances. Understand how you’re using your time, energy, and thoughts around each area. 

Without a crystal clear direction or vision, you’ll spend time working hard and getting nowhere fast. 

Grounding yourself is essential.

Start your day by getting focused on being present in the moment. Doing so will allow you to have a more productive day and stay on task.

If your brain is scattered and your excitement is low, you’re not going to create the energy and flow needed to attract what you want.

Google “grounding techniques” for a list of ways to start your day.

Be aware of the things that drain your energy. 

Most commonly known as the emotional “energy suckers.” People can be the most significant drain on your energy; be aware and spend less time with them.

Also, consider those mundane tasks that just because you can do them doesn’t mean you can’t hire someone to do it for you.  

Consider hiring a housekeeper, laundry service, or office assistant to relieve you of the energy-draining task.

And, if you think you can’t afford to hire someone to do the day-to-day, you’ll continue being drained. 

Setting an intention is everything. 

A solid intention will help guide you throughout your day. Intentions are not a to-do list. You are claiming what you want to be-do-or have for the day ahead.

Keeping your eye on the prize, as they say, setting daily intentions will eliminate unnecessary distractions.

Stop worrying about money.  

Instead of focusing on money, put all of your energy and focus on bettering yourself.  

When you get hung up in the money stories, it only defeats your success.

Trust the process, knowing you are enough and are putting good out into the world, and the money will come. 

Staying in the high vibrational energy of the flow is your responsibility. 

Don’t forget to celebrate your wins, no matter how big or how small. Always practice gratitude. Never waiver on what you truly want, and keep shining!

You’ve Got This!

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