Change City

Going Numb and Unconscious 

Melissa Kirkpatrick
Our business & life coach shares how going numb and unconscious to emotional situations can lead to bigger problems.

There are many ways to go numb and unconscious to any emotional situation. The use of drinking, eating, smoking, scrolling Facebook, or spending money, are a few ways that come to mind.

There was a point in my life when my success was soaring faster than I could process, which led to me turning to large consumptions of alcohol, eating all the junk, and spending money on whatever. I realized this behavior was a form of numbing out and going unconscious. 

Why would I do this if things were going great in my business and life? It was as if I needed to self-sabotage what I worked so hard to accomplish.

At the time, the reason for this behavior wasn’t apparent. All I knew was suppressing my emotions became a habit that felt good at the time.

You see, we are equipped to manage an array of emotions, but often we find them uncomfortable. Whether it’s success or failure, it’s all in perspective, which can lead to numbing out and going unconscious.

Although some of the numbing out tools seem pleasurable at the time and can be, it’s the overindulgence that becomes the self-sabotaging tool.  

Over time, you put on a good face around others, but deep inside, the numbing out and going unconscious is consuming your days.

Here’s my best tip to help you transition out of the habits that no longer serve you.

First, understand that the less you feel, the more likely you’ll miss out on the gifts in your life. Blocking the emotions of success or failure without ever allowing yourself to learn from them will lead to a long road of unhappiness.

Bring awareness to how you are using other devices or means to cope with your situation is by asking, “Is this in my highest and best good, and is this serving me?“.

Learning to be comfortable in those experiences that make you uncomfortable, whether it’s fear or excitement, is where you’ll discover new ways to engage with high and low emotions in a healthier, more enlightened way, no longer feeling you need to go numb and unconscious.

You owe it to yourself! Step into the light of how you can awaken to a better way for managing success and failure. Get the support you need, trust in the process, know you are safe, and all is well.

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