Change City

Fill Your Cup First

Ever feel like you are running on empty? Our business & life coach shares a practice to recharge your batteries.

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first. 

You know the quote; however, it often gets ignored because time doesn’t allow for the filling of one’s cup.

To fill your cup begins with replenishing areas of mental, emotional, and physical energy. 

When you’re challenged with finding the time and energy to replenish your cup, try this practice daily.

Begin with a simple practice of gratitude.

Take time to either write down or hold the thoughts of gratitude for all that you are blessed with — in this moment. Not last week, last month, last year — just this MOMENT. 

Here are a few examples of what this might look like:

I woke up (yay!) I’m still here.  Well-rested from a good night’s sleep (and fun dreams) on an oh-so-comfy bed. 

I have a roof over my head that allows my trip to the indoor bathroom with plumbing which will enable me to flush away the waste (and I have plenty of toilet paper)

I have fresh running water to brush my teeth and wash my face and drink to rehydrate my body after 12 hours of sleep (yea, I slept that long)

I love the sound (I can hear) of my coffee brewing and the smell that fills the room. And that first sip (you know, the one that makes noise) has me feeling warm inside and excited to start the day. 

—and the list goes on.

Now you give it a try.  

A daily practice of gratitude will allow you to not only fill your cup but also ground and be in the present moment. 

Remember, you can’t be helpful to others by pouring from an empty cup so take care of your cup first.

Fill’er up please! 


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