Stickers are one of the simplest ways to put a smile on your face. For Bethany Burnett, stickers are one of her favorite ways to remind herself to enjoy the little things. When she came across the Scandinavian word “Fika,” which is the idea of slowing down to appreciate the good things in life, she knew she had found the perfect name for her sticker business.

Based in Northern Kentucky, Fika Sticker Co. started when Burnett started selling stickers our of her home in North Dakota, under the name Dakota Life. “My brother and I tag teamed to create sticker designs based in our Midwest roots, and we were able to supply several local tourist and gift shops with themed stickers,” she says.

Then she moved to Northern Kentucky last year and decided a rebrand and reopen was the way to go.

Today, Fika Sticker Co. sells a variety of thematic stickers that are weatherproof vinyl, and covers book lovers, the Midwest, coffee, cozy, and plenty more. “The shop is my outlet for sharing designs, which means the themes may completely change eery time I release a new batch of stickers,” she says.

Burnett is still new to the Tri-State area, so as she continues to explore all that it has to offer, she hopes to not only get new ideas but to meet other entrepreneurs at maker events.

She says she is working on designing Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati themed stickers, to support her new hometown and the local traditions, shops, and farmers.

To learn more about Fika Sticker Co., visit her Etsy page or follow along on Instagram, where she posts behind-the-scenes looks, updates, new releases, and giveaways.