Change City

Failure Always Precedes Success

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

You’ve heard the expression to try, try, and try again with the hope and aspiration that this time it will work. 

One man who knew this best was Thomas Edison. His attempt to create the lightbulb confirmed that failure always precedes success. His journey to the lightbulb was utterly clear. He knew and believed each time he was closer to the result he was seeking.

Where are you finding it difficult to succeed? In your career? Relationships? Health? Money?

Do you believe that how you do one thing is how you do all things? 

This awareness allows you to take practices that are done well in one area of life, such as a career, and apply what you do well to the other areas that aren’t doing so well.

For example, if you are good at creating and sticking to a financial budget, you can apply that tool to meal prep for healthy eating.

Or perhaps, making business connections through networking using the know, like, trust intention will also allow you to apply this same principle in personal relationships.

And, if you are someone that sets time aside to go over your food intake, calories, macros, etc., these are the same foundational tools to use for budgeting.

See the patterns?

What are you not allowing to be successful? Perhaps you stopped just before the success was coming. 

Apply the following mantra to your situation and see if you can shift your energy, knowing that failure always proceeds with success.

Mantra for Your Success: Progress over perfection wins every time. I will continue to get out of my way so the “next steps” may be shown to me. I am ready to grow into my gifts gracefully.

Once you have experienced even the smallest amount of success, you can duplicate and expand from there. You will notice that you:

  • Move faster toward your goals
  • Go from feeling stuck to unstoppable with a plan
  • Have the clarity and confidence to keep going

Believing that your authentic success will come after you master failing better: Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

Keep Shining!


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