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Elevated You in 2022

As we embark upon the holiday season, and the new year,  our coach offers a great way to be focusing on what's next.

The new year is right around the corner! The perfect time is now to reflect on what you’ve created in your life up until now. 

From this reflection, begin to focus on a new vision for what you want to create in your life moving forward.

You may find yourself struggling with that question because you don’t really know what you want to create in your life.

You do however know what you “don’t want,” because you talk about that all the time. So, let’s start talking about what you “do want!”

Consider the following questions to get you started on what this might look like:

What would you like to create?

What would you like to do?

What do you value?

What makes you happy?

How would you spend your time?

If money were no object, I would… ?

Then ask these same questions for other areas of your life:





Personal Growth



Be mindful that balance is key when you start looking at these different areas of your life and knowing what you want in each area. 

Next, begin using images to represent that future of you having what you desire and ignite the excitement.

Always know that you can’t get there from here. The person you are now will not be the same person when you get there. 

To begin creating a vision so strong that you want to jump out of bed in the morning to take action is how you will be able to achieve all that you want to be, do, or have moving forward.

Added suggestion to bring your vision forward is to collect images of what you desire.

It’s always fun to create a vision board this time of year. You can either cut out images and put them on a board or use a digital app such as Canva.

Start seeing your life beyond your current circumstances and situation. Doing visualization is how you can begin living your life by design.

So, during this downtime between now and the new year, remember to take care of yourself and start creating the future in the mind’s eye of what you will be creating for the new year.

Cheers to New Year, Elevated You in 2022

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