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Do You Allow Your Past Experiences to Define Today?

Our business and life coach shares how letting go of past experiences will allow you to thrive moving forward.

Summer is fast approaching, with less than a month away, officially kicking off on June 20, the longest day of the year.

This date marks the halfway point for the year, so what better time to evaluate how you might be allowing past experiences to define today.

The way you think, act, and interact with others is formed from events of your past. So your actions in the present can affect what your future holds.

How do you know if the past is defining today?

Your conversations are about what’s not going right, and

You aren’t taking action because of an experience that didn’t play out as planned!

Your memory of past, present, and future are intimately linked, and certainly influences you and shapes your experience for today.

The intention is to let go of the past so you can thrive moving forward.  Here are a few ways to being:

  • Learning from the past but don’t dwell there. 
  • Stop pointing fingers and focus on yourself. 
  • Forgive others including yourself.
  • Consider disconnecting from others for a while.
  • Create new memories.

Once you can identify your most common trigger, being to align with a solution and not with the problem. Being forward progress and it doesn’t have to be perfect! 

Sure, your past is helpful in some ways to direct what didn’t work but learn from that experience to do it better.  Like Mia Angelo said, “When you know better, you do better.”

Take time to reflect, reset and reframe what today and moving forward will become. Don’t allow your past experiences to define today. And always choose to make your future brighter than your past.

Here’s to creating the life you deserve!


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