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Desires over Excuses

How many times have you allowed excuses to run your life? Our life and business coach shares how to align with your desires.

When your desire becomes stronger than the excuse, you will discover you are way ahead of the game.

Creating your life by design with ease and flow is a motto I refer to often. Why would you want it any other way?

Life is happening FOR you, not TO you. Let that soak in. And add the following phrase “out of this situation only good will come.”

When I discovered this on my journey, it was a game-changer. I knew that all my hopes and dreams will come true IF I allow myself to step away from the excuses and take consistent action and find my way.

So why, when you set the intention to call in what you want (the desire), you fall short of receiving what you want?

As Jim Rohn says, “If you want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.”

And, if you get honest with yourself, excuses come more accessible than the work!

Take last year during the pandemic. Many people stated that if they only had more time or didn’t have to go to work or sleep in, they would do all the things they weren’t doing. 

Hello excuses, bye-bye desire, because if anything, we all had more time on our hands to do all the things.

Your thoughts and the words you speak have the power to DRIVE you forward. Until you eliminate all the excuses, you’ll continue to experience setbacks and give up.

You can break the cycle by:

  • Start with all the EXCUSES! Yes, you read that correctly. Write down everything that will keep you from reaching your goal.
  • Next to each excuse, write a way to overcome the excuse by developing a solution ahead of the problem.

Like working a muscle – when your desires outweigh your excuses you can and will overcome the negative and achieve more.  


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