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Chic Spotlight: The Well

The "Building with the Pink Door" focuses on whole-person healing with a variety of wellness services from area providers.

The Chic Guide: What is The Well?
April Kline, Founder of The Well: The Well is a new not-for-profit that is both a physical space and a Collaborative of like-minded care providers. The Well is founded in the knowledge that growth and healing are difficult work, and the belief that no one, irregardless of where they live or what assets they have, should have to do that work alone. We welcome each person in whatever state they are in. “Come as you are” is not just our motto, it is how we begin all of work—with the understanding that meeting people where they are is truly the first step in healing. We believe every body knows how to be healthy, every mind knows how to be engaged, every heart knows how to love, and every spirit knows how to flow with connection. Our building provides a safe and beautiful space, and our services and educational programming provide beautiful opportunities to cultivate these beliefs into one’s own reality—and then to carry that abundance back out into one’s own community. 

The Chic Guide: What’s the inspiration behind it?
Kline: The Well is housed in the building that was home to Dr. Bruce Kline and Associates, PsyD, a large mental health practice that enriched the community for over thirty years. April Kline, Bruce’s daughter, took over the building in 2021, and is in the process of turning it into a whole-person wellness center. Before her father died, they had many discussions about April’s vision, including coming up with the name. The Well is based on the Biblical story of the woman at the well who was seeking for something that would truly fill her cup. She was longing for a source that would never run dry. This seemed like the perfect name to inspire us to practice caring for ourselves so that we can continue to pour out to others.

The Chic Guide: Who’s behind it?
Kline: I have been a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), Midwife, Whole Nutrition Consultant, CranioSacral Therapist, Emotional Release Therapist, and Trauma Resolution Therapist for over twenty years. The Well is grounded in these years of education, experience, and observations that led me to a deep understanding that, in many ways, we have gotten away from true health and healing. I see that many people are lost in the system and feel unseen and unheard as they try to navigate by themselves. I know that even difficult situations offer an opportunity for growth and healing if the individual has a knowledgeable companion or guide. This whole-person care is the missing piece in our communities and exactly the gap The Well is created to fill. When we work with people in their entireties—rather than seeing people as just disease/diagnosis/cure (or failure to cure)—we have the best chance for true healing. 

The Chic Guide: What wellness services do you provide?
Kline: Currently, The Well is home to Katie Quinn, Certified Professional Midwife; Grace Piatt, Doula and Certified Lactation Consultant; Becky Parr, Doctor of Physical Therapy; April Kline, Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), Certified Professional Midwife, Emotional Release Therapist, CranioSacral Therapist, and creator of Birth With Spirit Doula Certification Training; and John Meyers, Doctor of Dental Science.

Once our extensive renovations are finished—hopefully mid-Spring of 2022—we will be adding Chiropractic care, Reflexology, infrared sauna, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, mental health services, and an extensive offering of educational programming, workshops, movement classes including pre- and postnatal yoga, free drop-in lactation and postpartum sessions, etc. We also have an extensive referral system to help meet the needs of our clients. 

The Chic Guide: What makes The Well for Wellness unique?
Kline: The Well fills a not-so-small gap in our care system, especially when it comes to the care of women. In hundreds of studies, it is shown that women’s concerns are misdiagnosed, mismanaged, overly medicated, or completely dismissed. At The Well, we are home to a strong web of providers who all make a commitment to practicing whole-person care. We offer continuing education and social opportunities for our providers to foster and deepen this approach.

The Well is committed to offering accessible care for all. This means we will continue to grow our outreach campaign which will be broad and deep, making sure that people don’t need to know “a secret handshake” to get the care they need. 

We are also committed to providing equitable care for all, while making sure our providers and educators don’t undervalue and undercharge for their work. This means we are committed to growing our funding from grants, fundraising, and private donors so we can cover the gap between our care providers’ fees and the sliding scale that will make all of our offerings available to everyone, regardless of income.

The Chic Guide: Is there anything new on the horizon for 2022?
Kline: Yes! The Well is in its early stages. We are covered in demolition dust as we undergo major renovations, but we are so excited to see the vision of our welcoming, updated and ADA-compliant space coming together! We are beginning to offer workshops, community gatherings, lactation drop-ins and more in the spaces that are already functional, and much more will become available after our grand opening in the near future. Information about this and all of our care providers and events can be found at

The Chic Guide: Where are you located?
Kline: We are housed in that “Building With the Pink Door,” directly across from Kroger, at 529 E Stroop Road in Kettering.

The Chic Guide: Where can readers go to learn more and follow along?
Kline: You can stay up-to-date on all our news at, and on Facebook and Instagram.

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