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Chic Spotlight: The Perry Rose Academy

Find a new perspective and learn more about yourself with this astrologist.

The Chic Guide: What is The Perry Rose Academy?
Alex Perry, Founder of The Perry Rose Academy: The Perry Rose Academy is a space for everyone to learn about themselves more. Through tarot and astrology, I help provide others with a new perspective to work with and unpack. People have come to me with a number of circumstances affecting their personal and professional life, from break ups to career changes to family “stuff”.

The Chic Guide: What’s the inspiration behind it?
Perry: I found myself diving deeper into my personal values, ethics, and desires — very much in line with my Saturn Return — during the pandemic. I was coming to terms with leaving the bridal fashion industry as a publicist and creative director, which I had been for the last 4 years. I found a lot of people around me also were redirecting their life path. I didn’t want to abandon my knowledge around social media and PR, so when I first launched I started with an angle of “aligning with your purpose and running a business according to your values.” I believe everything is connected in life just like in a birth chart which contains all planets and zodiac signs. I personally believe even the social media platforms we use to advertise and market our businesses are a reflection of how we assert ourselves, build communities, and set goals for ourselves which can be related to our birth charts. 

The Chic Guide: What journey led you to open The Perry Rose Academy?
Perry: Partially what I stated above, but in general my personal evolution. I decided to become an entrepreneur and start my business in 2015, and actually went “official” with an Ohio-based LLC in 2020. In 2018, I gravitated towards astrology with a deep, if not painful need, to understand the path I was on. That year was anecdotally one of my worst to date, but I’ve found that it’s during our turbulent times we find ourselves the most. I found a siren-call to study astrology. In astrology, our turbulent times can turn up as “harsh” aspects like oppositions or even transits (how the planets are moving in real time) with tough planets like Saturn (which governs boundaries and restrictions). When I began helping other people in my friend circle with astrology and then tarot in Spring of 2020 it grew increasingly more obvious I had the desire and also capacity to help others on a much greater scale with this work. So I began consulting on the Clubhouse app, and at local festivals and events. 

The Chic Guide: What services do you offer?
Perry: With all of my readings, there’s a built-in consultation which in and of itself is a valuable service. Specifically, I read and explain birth charts, map optimal times for events (like brand launches) through transits, and help articulate to others the “code” of their birth chart. I also read tarot and oracle cards which allow me to “interview” my clients and work through a conversation to find new solutions or insights. Oftentimes, people just need a fresh perspective or someone to vent to. I’m happy to be that person. I love offering validation, too, because so many people really, really need it. 

The Chic Guide: What makes The Perry Rose Academy unique?
Perry: I’d say what makes my approach unique is how all-encompassing it is. In the same reading we may cry and laugh, and also rejoice and re-evaluate. We find, not the good and the bad, but the balance between ease and flow, and restriction and rehabilitation. This is the perfect personification of my sun and rising placements, Libra and Scorpio. For me, I combine the energies of friendly, charming Libra with the ready-to-uncover-it-all of Scorpio. 

The Chic Guide: Is there anything new on the horizon?
Perry: I have some exciting plans in the works for this winter, including a workshop with a fellow mom/entrepreneur who happens to also be an incredibly talented photographer and all around bad ass. I’ll also be debuting some new resources, products, and platforms then too. If you want to get the news first, sign up for my newsletter on my website! I’ve been waiting for Mercury Retrograde to end to announce, as it has been super chaotic for me this time around. Keep an eye out around the beginning of November for more details on what’s to come..

The Chic Guide: Where can readers go to learn more and follow along?
Perry: I’d love to have any and everyone follow me on Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Clubhouse. Like any good social media manager, I try to be as accessible as possible. You can find all of my astrology and tarot resources @theperryroseacademy but also connect with me directly @alexperrypr.

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