The Chic Guide: What is Reza’s Coffee Roasterie?
Audria Maki, Owner of Reza’s Coffee Roasterie: Reza’s is a coffee roasterie and cafe. We began roasting coffee in 2015. In 2019 we opened our first cafe in a 100-year old building on Wayne Avenue at the edge of the Oregon District in Dayton. We spent close to 3 years renovating it, and the space is very special. We also roast our coffee on-site there. We opened our second cafe in the Dayton suburb of Beavercreek in October 2021. 

The Chic Guide: What’s the inspiration behind it?
Maki: Reza is our middle son’s middle name. We started roasting coffee because we couldn’t find what we liked fresh in Dayton. The rest grew organically from there.

The Chic Guide: Who’s behind it?
Maki: My name is Audria Maki and this is my business, but I work closely with my husband, Ebi, and our children and family are all involved. Being family-friendly is core to our company’s identity. I was born and raised in Dayton and Ebi moved here with his family from Iran when he was a teenager. Dayton is our home and we love it here.

The Chic Guide: What’s on the menu?
Maki: Coffee! We sell high-quality, directly sourced coffee that is roasted fresh each week. But we also serve all the cafe drinks using only the best ingredients. Our milk comes from a local dairy, our syrups are artisanal. Our baristas are empowered to be creative and our seasonal menu is always so impressive. In addition, we offer the best toast in Dayton – especially our avocado and egg toast.

The Chic Guide: Where are you located?
Maki: Our downtown cafe and roasterie is at 438 Wayne Avenue in Dayton and our Beavercreek cafe is 1474 North Fairfield Road in Beavercreek.

The Chic Guide: What makes Reza’s unique?
Maki: So much makes us unique! We roast our own coffee and we use only the best ingredients. Even though we love all the fancy things life has to offer, our baristas are very friendly and everyone is welcome in our cafes.

The Chic Guide: Is there anything new on the horizon for 2022?
Maki: This year our intention is to focus on our roasting. We have gone back to our roots and you can expect to see a new coffee coming out every 6 weeks or so. We also did a collaboration with Yellow Springs Brewery for International Women’s Day called My 82 Cents. The coffee they used in the beer will also be available in bean form. It’s special because it comes from a woman-owned farm in Costa Rica and was roasted by a woman at a woman-owned coffee company.  

The Chic Guide: Where can readers go to learn more and follow along?
Maki: Readers can visit our website or follow along on Facebook and Instagram.