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Chic Spotlight: Hofrichter Creative

Read about a small creative agency dedicated to helping spread the word about local businesses.

The Chic Guide: What is Hofrichter Creative?
Abby Hofrichter, Founder of Hofrichter Creative: Hofrichter Creative is an independent, woman-owned social media and content agency. In short, we are a done-for-you service provider that helps local businesses thrive and succeed using social media, with an emphasis on community building and engagement. Many of our clients fall within the hospitality industry –  breweries, coffee shops, restaurants, etc. – but we’re open to working with any Dayton or Ohio-owned business that leads with heart and intention. 

The Chic Guide: What’s the inspiration behind it?
Hofrichter: I moved to Dayton in 2017 armed with a degree in Journalism and Public Relations, a passion for creative writing and photography, and history of working in the service industry as everything from a hostess, server, bartender, food runner, and even a cook at an all-you-can-eat dining hall for two semesters in college. 

While working remotely for a small social media agency based in Columbus, Ohio, I began to realize there was a stark disconnect between the quality and style of social media support small businesses actually needed from providers versus what was being offered. I wanted to give small business owners a way to offload the stress and workload of running a successful social media presence without asking them to let go of the personal touch and community-focused approach that makes these businesses so special.

The Chic Guide: Who’s behind it?
Hofrichter: That would be me! My name is Abby. I’ve been working in social media and content creation, in some way or another, for 8 years. I go by “Founder” of Hofrichter Creative LLC. In reality, some days my title could be CEO or COO and other days it could be Photographer, Content Creator and/or Social Media Strategist. At the moment, I am working solo. I’ve had an intern in the past and am excited to be starting the search for a new intern or part-time employee again! 

The Chic Guide: What services do you provide?
Hofrichter: We offer a few packages at the moment. Our most popular to date is our full-service Facebook and Instagram management, which includes strategy creation, photography and other content creation needs, post scheduling and management, and audience engagement. We also offer Social Media Strategy Sessions (we call them “DIY Sessions” because once we deliver your calendar, you can Do It Yourself), an Instagram Reels Support Program, and A La Carte content services like photography or copywriting.  You can see them all here.

The Chic Guide: What makes Hofrichter Creative unique?
Hofrichter: One of our biggest “Secret Sauces” so to speak is our commitment to our clients and their goals. It may sound obvious, but it’s easy to feel disconnected as an out-of-house service provider. I passionately believe my job extends far beyond “posting content’ or sending deliverables to clients. We stay in close contact with our clients and make a dedicated effort to experience their products regularly, which is part of why we keep our client-base limited mostly to Southern Ohio!  

Having a background in journalism and love of creative-writing is also something I am grateful for everyday! We work diligently to create and maintain a unique voice for all our clients and provide authentic, on-brand copy. 

The Chic Guide: Is there anything new on the horizon?
Hofrichter: We are SO EXCITED to announce that we’re dedicating the first quarter of 2022 to growing our Reels Support Program and DIY Sessions, as well as hoping to start offering more classes and workshops for entrepreneurs and small businesses who may not be ready or able to hire service providers yet.  We’re actually not accepting any new full-service clients until June 2022 so we can focus on these goals and support more growing businesses! 

The Chic Guide: Where are you located?
Hofrichter: Dayton! We work all over: Downtown, Kettering, Moraine…  if you see me out behind my laptop, please say hi! 

The Chic Guide: Where can readers go to learn more and follow along?
Hofrichter: Follow us on Instagram for the most up-to-date (and fun!) information. We also maintain a Facebook page and keep our services updated on

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