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Chic Spotlight: Heartwood Therapeutic Massage

Treat yourself to a massage that is customized to fit your needs while taking a client-centered, evidence-based approach.

The Chic Guide: What is Heartwood Therapeutic Massage?
Kate Thomas, Founder of Heartwood Therapeutic Massage: Heartwood Therapeutic Massage is a private massage studio led by myself, licensed massage therapist Kate Thomas. My approach to massage therapy is one that is client-centered, evidence-based, and nonjudgmental. This is a space that welcomes any body to the massage table – whether you’re seeking rest, pain management, or just being kind to yourself.

The Chic Guide: What’s the inspiration behind it?
Thomas: To help meet the need in the Dayton area for therapeutic bodywork that exists within the word “therapy” itself. Something that is nourishing, affirming, informed, curious, intentional, and holding the potential of growth.

The Chic Guide: What massage services do you offer?
Thomas: I offer services that meet you where you are. This means attentive and detail-oriented massage sessions drawing from neuromuscular frameworks, trauma-informed practices, myofascial theory, and modern knowledge of pain and pain management. I also am trained in massage for the grieving body, a more gentle and grief-informed opportunity of physical support for those experiencing the physicality of grieving. I value the art of subtlety in touch, the body’s invitation to firmness, and exploring the depth of feeling clients can have without causing discomfort and the idea of needing to reach a certain threshold of pain to relieve pain. Essentially, “deep tissue” to me means focus and precision, rather than an intensity of pressure that will leave you achy.

The Chic Guide: What makes Heartwood Therapeutic Massage unique?
Thomas: I don’t necessarily strive to be unique as much as authentic. I provide services that I myself would appreciate receiving, and I am drawn to simplicity and organic moments, so that is what I offer. You will find I keep the focus of massage therapy on just that: the actual hands-on, flesh-on-flesh, human-to-human connection. I also believe having a mindset of curiosity and respect towards the bodies of humans I work with goes a long way in terms of making an authentic experience. I may know techniques and theory, but you are ultimately the expert of your body, even if you yourself have questions or aren’t sure what’s going on with it at times when it comes to pain or some other somatic experience. It’s a collaborative path.

The Chic Guide: Where are you located?
Thomas: I’m located in a private suite at 301 E Stroop Road, right across the boulevard from the Town and Country Shopping Center.

The Chic Guide: Is there anything new on the horizon?
Thomas: A vision I’m working toward is to purchase a building and expand into a clinic of like-minded, independent bodyworkers. I’d like to provide a space that is beyond a spa yet not a clinical medical environment; something humble and straightforward that is rooted in community, education, and helping others experience kindness and goodness.

The Chic Guide: Where can readers go to learn more and follow along?
Thomas: I post often on my Instagram! My website is helpful for more information and for booking. I can be reached via email.

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