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Checklist for the Busy Person

Melissa Kirkpatrick
Setting up your environment for success is vital when you are looking to create more abundance in your life. Our business & life coach offers a checklist to consider for a positive work environment.

Today is August 1st, which means it is time to think about last-minute to-dos before the start of the school year.

Whether you have kids going to school or not, today’s topic will benefit anyone if you are ready to get set up for completing 2022 with a positive vibe.

As a former schoolteacher, one of my focuses at the start of the school year was setting up the classroom, which included arranging seating, bulletin boards, technology, schedule, curriculum, and other items to ensure the students have a productive and successful school year.

As I reflected on this list, I saw a connection that relates to how a busy person would benefit significantly from a similar checklist for the office.

  • Rearrange your desk and furniture in your office.
  • Organize your email, files, desk, and library
  • Replace decorations with new ones
  • Create a vision board and have it framed and placed where you see it often.
  • Any certifications and/or licenses? Have them framed and hung on the wall.
  • Color code your digital calendar, set reminders, and block out time for you.
  • What you wear matters, so visit your closet, remove anything you no longer wear, and replace it with a few new items.
  • Set your alarm for an extra 5-10 minutes so you can do a morning review of your day.  

You can use it monthly, quarterly, or now mid-year.

Think of other items or ways you could use this list, including your home environment.

Setting yourself up for success isn’t just your thoughts and actions; it includes your environment—cheers to creating a positive vibe for the remaining 2022.

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