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Break the Barriers

How are you holding yourself back? Our business and life coach shares two common barriers keeping you from reaching your full potential.

What’s holding you back? What obstacles limit you from the ultimate success in your life? Often the struggles we encounter are simply learning to overcome barriers. 

Two barriers that cause you not to reach your full potential are fear and an upper limiting.

When fear shows up, it is to protect you. Or so it thinks. 

Fear comes in various ways: fear of change, a fear of failure, or maybe a fear of taking a chance. Whatever the fear is, find the source and fast. 

When fear shows up, stop and say, “Hello, fear I see you, and I know you are False Evidence Appearing Real (F.E.A.R.), and you want to protect me. What is it you are protecting me from?” 

Then listen. Often something from your past is running in your thoughts. Something you’ve experienced, and things didn’t turn out as you planned, so you believe it will happen again.  

However, once you know this, you can easily discard the fear and believe it will be different this time. The past will only repeat itself if you act in the same manner as you did then.

The other block is often an upper limiting problem (ULP).

The book, “The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks includes a chapter on how there is an Upper Limiting Problem (ULP) when you don’t concur with our fear and the upper limiting problem keeps you right where you are.

How a ULP shows up is when you feel good and super happy, then out of the blue, you have this manufactured stream of painful and uncomfortable images.

When this happens, you manufacture thoughts that make you feel bad. Why? Because it brings you back down within the bounds of your limited tolerance, this is the place of safety.

How can you allow this not to hold you back? 

Your willingness to recognize both the fear and upper limiting problem and FELL GOOD

You not allowing fear to run the show and learning to push past those limiting beliefs will provide a more straightforward path for achieving your true potential and attaining success in all areas of your life.

Give it a try!


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