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Balance Your Life with Appreciation

Our coach Melissa explains how to change your thought's frequency using appreciation to bring balance to your life.

We use appreciation, gratitude, and love to express peace and love. The act lifts your vibration and creates balance and harmony to achieve more in your life.

However, like most, those negative thoughts run the show the majority of your waking hours. Those thoughts focus mainly on the problems hoping to find a solution.

It’s interesting if you pay attention. Anytime a negative thought comes up, the result multiplies more negative thoughts, like going down a rabbit hole.

So how do you find a balance between more appreciation and let go of negative thoughts and feelings?

It’s a practice much like working out. You have to continue to use the muscles often for them to get stronger.

First, find a way to change your thoughts’ frequency. Reach for the higher vibration of love and peace, like tuning your radio station. Eliminate the static channels and find the one that resonates with you most.

How do you find your way there if you are bogged down with negative thoughts and feelings?

One way might be to attract appreciation by complementing and appreciating others. By appreciating others, you’re bringing appreciation to yourself. For example, if you like someone’s shoes, tell them you like their shoes. 

Another approach is to begin overwriting the negative by paying attention to the following:
–        what are you thinking?
–        what words are you speaking? 
–        what actions are you taking?
Interrupt the pattern when you notice the negative is creeping in and replace it with a thought of appreciation.

To tap into the feeling of appreciation, I highly recommend grabbing paper and pen and writing down everything you are so grateful and blessed to have in your life. 

Keep writing until the tears are welling up in your eyes, and you feel a sense all around you of this higher frequency of vibrational energy, the feeling of butterflies in your belly, or goosebumps on your skin. That’s where you want to be. 

You want to increase what you feel internally so you can project out the light that shines within you externally.

The work all begins on the inside, my friend. Don’t be afraid to go there.

You deserve to live your best life now. Keep shining.

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