Change City

Attitude is Everything

Melissa Kirkpatrick
Our business & life coach shares how a positive attitude can motivate you to shine!

Often, my clients do not understand their true talent. They think they’re not smart enough, tall enough, pretty enough, or even enough to pursue what their heart truly desires, so they play small.

Lou Holtz’s perspective: “Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you’re willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.”

Talent, motivation, and attitude are a solid combination to allow you to get from here to there.

The biggest struggle most people endure when they have a talent they want to explore is the motivation to move forward. And although motivation is an internal drive that makes us most successful, many external things get in our way.

– Others tried and failed. 
– It’s a saturated market.
– I’ll never be able to do as good as someone else. 
 – I’m just not sure how to even move forward.

Those are all thoughts coming from a place of attitude.

Finding the motivation, the drive inside of you, allows you to say:

– I’ll keep trying.
– There is plenty of room for me in the market.
– I will give it my all.
– I will hire an expert to keep you accountable.

And from that place, that’s where your attitude will change.  

You’ll become more confident. You’ll see more possibilities. 

It’s that strong attitude of desire that will lead the way. 

It’s all in YOUR attitude! 

See it from knowing that you are motivated and driven to create your best life now. 

And from that point, you’ll find the talent and the resources to shine your light. It’s in you; I see you.
Keep Shining! Melissa

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