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Are You Living Your Best Life?

Our business & life coach offers a technique to tap into discovering how to live your best life.

Kids have it all figured out. They live their best life through exploring, being curious, and having fun. Are you living your best life?

Remember, being a kid seemed as though the days were endless, especially playing outside for hours and just being one with nature. You were basking in the sunshine and catching fireflies at night. The playfulness of your young body running, jumping, and laying in the grass looking at the clouds as they transformed into the most amazing animals.

Where did that kid go? Have you lost that energetic, childlike ambition and excitement?

Getting caught up in the day-to-day activities, doing all those grown-up tasks that take time and energy may lead to exhaustion at the end of the day, leaving you less focused on living your best life. 

Living your life by design starts from within. I refer to this as “the drive inside” because I realized that it’s the internal feelings that allow you to take action, drop the excuses, and move forward faster to achieve our goals and desires.

Tapping into the internal drive, using all the five senses, and what gives you a heart so full that it could to burst, is how you know you are on point with the goal or desire.

Tapping in begins with writing down everything that comes up from the prompt “when I was a kid I really wanted to…”

Allow yourself to sit still long enough and let your imagination go back in time. You may recall how you want to be an astronaut, doctor, bazillionaire, or artist, all while feeling happy and joyful, and seeing the good in everything.

Now that you’ve tapped into that childlike wonder, fast forward today, see how you can turn today’s dreams into your reality by writing down what you really want.

Taking the time to do this activity and permitting yourself to dream like a child, you’ll soon discover that there’s a lot that you genuinely want for your life.

And you may be surprised that it’s not what you initially thought, and you’ve made some discoveries on things that you would like to pursue.

Use this practice often and soon you’ll be creating your life by design from the inside out with a child’s imagination. Cheers to living your best life.


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