Change City

Acts of Kindness

Our Coach Melissa shares how doing those acts of kindness will raise your energy frequency and bring you more of what you want and less of what you don't want.

When you allow fear and limitations to interfere with your ability to focus, this uncertainty will only hold you back.

The notion of “when…(I have xyz),” I’ll be happy. Unfortunately, this thinking is where you block the abundance. 

When you can let go of needing “it” now before you can be happy and learn to be happy now, this will significantly shift your life.

Everything you want is on the other side of you being happy now and dropping the fear and limiting beliefs you have to “have” before you can “be.”

Here are some ways to raise your energy frequency to feel good now so you can create the life you deserve.

You can start with acts of kindness. The month of November focuses on gratitude and thankfulness.

Beginning your day with a list of things you are grateful for will raise your energy frequency and allow you to be ready to spread more joy in the world.

Acts of kindness don’t have to be anything significant.

You can start by doing something for your loved ones. A note on the mirror, saying you love them. Cleaning up after them without a fuss.

Outside the home, you can buy the person’s order behind you in the drive-thru. Tip your waiter an extra few dollars more than usual. Or compliment someone on a job well done, you like their shoes, or hold the door open.

Remember to pause and be present when you are caught up in day-to-day events and activities. Look for ways to deliver acts of kindness. This will give you a reason to pause.  

I’d like you to carefully decide how you will shine your light on someone else’s day/life. 

The payoff is you feel good now, and that feeling good brings more good your way.

The law of attraction is always working in your favor. You can decide if it will deliver more or less of what you desire.

Start today. It all begins with aligning your energy frequency to happiness. You can take the inspired action to do something good today.

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