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5 Signs You’re On The Right Track

Melissa Kirkpatrick
How do you know you're on the right track with your goals? Our business & life coach shares 5 signs indicating you are on track.

Do you believe in synchronicity? They happen all the time and are often referred to as a coincidence. However, when this happens, if you stop and check in with yourself to see what you are thinking and feeling, you can begin to align with the signs to confirm things are going your way.
If you think things are happening “to you,” give yourself permission to believe that things are happening “for you .” This alone will begin to change your outlook.

When you are taking inspired action and feeling good, you can create your life by design. It’s like magic, and the confirmation can come in one or all of the following signs:

  • Seeing a series of numbers such as 111, or any other number series.
  • You hear the same song or see the same message repeatedly.
  • Things continue to work out for you even when you didn’t know how they could
  • You think about someone, and they appear in person, on social media, or by messaging out of the blue.
  • Unexpected money, gifts, or opportunities showing up

Not sure you believe this to be true? Then challenge yourself to call in a symbol or object you want to see to know you are tuned into your dreams and desires.
For example, call it into your awareness, whether it’s a feather, butterfly, or coin. And remember, it can come in the form of the object, the word, or referenced by someone. Look for it to appear everywhere. Shopping, watching TV, driving, or social media. Also, don’t be surprised if you see the “word” of your selected object. That counts too.

Now that you are aware of this, you can no longer question the clear signs in front of you at some point. And when it happens, know it’s a wink from the Universe reminding you – you are on the right track.

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