Change City

4 Tips for Living Life Intentionally 

Melissa Kirkpatrick
When things don't seem to be going as planned, consider these four tips our business and life coach has identified for living your life more intentionally.

One of the key elements to living your best life is living it intentionally.

What does intentional living look like, you ask?

Intentional living is when you decide to take action over your thoughts.

It’s the practice of communicating with yourself, looking for what’s not working for you, and then setting daily intentions to adjust what you genuinely want for your life.

Start waking up each day and setting an intention on how you want to feel. Then decide what action to take to continue that intention throughout the day.

Whether you desire more abundance, prosperity, better health, relationships, a new career path, or to be happy –focus on what you need to do differently today than what you did yesterday to have what you desire.

It’s all up to you and what you will allow your thoughts to say to you daily. 

Begin your practice with these four tips in mind:

Listen to Your Gut!
Start Small
Embrace the Changes
Have Grace with Yourself

Using a pen and paper to write down your daily intentions can be all you need to begin making those shifts in your life so that you’re no longer repeating what you don’t want to experience daily. 

It’s not easy to incorporate an “intention setting” practice, but like starting a new workout program, a new job, new relationships –all the things that begin with the word “new,” you’ll be glad you did. 

Start today and carve out a few minutes to work on this practice, and you will soon find that you are intentionally creating a life you truly love. 

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