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3 Tips to Avoid Social Media Overload

Melissa Kirkpatrick
The struggle is real when it comes to scrolling social media apps and wasting time. Our business & life coach Melissa offers three tips to avoid the social media overload.

Are you finding that you spend a tremendous amount of time on social media to discover hours later that you did not gain any real value? 

Sure, you watched a few cute videos, read about a celebrity, caught up on your favorite sports team, and learned a friend of yours lost a loved one. Oh, and don’t forget aunt Sally loves sharing about her cats.

Then hours later you realise how much time has passed that you can never get back?

Here are three tips to help you avoid social media overload.

1. Have a clear intention with purpose and time.

Before entering the vortex of endless content, ask yourself why and what you want to receive from this engagement and how much time are you willing to spend?

Are you checking up on your friends, searching for someone with whom you could do business, or are you just in the habit of scrolling to waste a couple of hours of your time?

To avoid wasting a lot of time, set a timer so that you permit yourself to be only on the app for a certain amount of time. 

Wean yourself off slowly if you have to but get into the conscious mindset of how much time you’re spending and set the intention of going on social media with a purpose.

2. Identify those individuals or businesses you want to see their content, so when you go into your apps, you connect with those individuals and companies listed. 

Some apps allow you to set them as your favorites. Doing this first will eliminate a lot of time reading through information that doesn’t pertain to you or, more likely, become a time and energy leak.

3. Remove the app from your phone. 

I know this may be the hardest one to do, but giving yourself a timeout for a day will allow you to restore energy and refocus on possibilities. 

What will you do instead?

Practicing the timeout will give you more time to do the things you’ve been putting off, which may include calling a friend, walking in nature, or cleaning out a closet. 

The goal is to find ways to engage in your day-to-day life outside of the social media overload and create a better habit of using your time.

Keep Shining! Melissa

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