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3 Things You Need to Give Up

Melissa Kirkpatrick
Giving up something can be challenging for everyone. Our business and life coach has three things to give up for your emotional freedom.

As a business and life coach, my clients realize that there are things they’d like to give up. Now we’re not talking about giving up your favorite food or your weekends of fun and partying. We are talking about your emotional freedom.

Starting with these three areas, you will shift your thoughts and emotions.

The fear of uncertainty 

Nothing is certain. And you can never really predict anything but only anticipate. Neutralizing your fear (false evidence appearing real), you can move into an alignment where the uncertainty is less anxiety and possibly more excitement.

Ignoring your feelings 

How many times have you found yourself not expressing how you feel? Ignoring your feelings only causes you to feel worse. Learning to have the confidence to be able to express your feelings is a game changer. Consider writing in a journal about your feelings and how they get ignored so that you can identify when you’re shrinking and not acknowledging how you feel.

Pretending your problems don’t exist

Pretending is if you don’t recognize the problem, the problem does not exist. Be honest and know that sticking your head in the sand will only worsen it. Often the pretending is with finances, health, and relationships. Stop pretending and ignoring and get honest with finding a solution.

I encourage you to write these three topics down and journal about them or be curious about them and see what comes up in your thoughts.

If your fear is real, your feelings are validated, and you ignore your problems, over time, these things will only make them grow.

Until you can get to giving them up, remember my mantra “out of any situation that will come back!”

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