Change City

3 Strategies for a Productive Day

Melissa Kirkpatrick
Do you struggle to get things done daily? Our business & life coach offers these 3 strategies for creating a more productive day.

The goal for a productive day is to create a long-term model of utilizing your 24 hours in a day. 

Whether you’re trying to move your career to the next level, or you want more control over your schedule, here are 3 strategies that will help. 

  1. Alarms and Notifications

–          Set alarms to remind you of important activities or tasks you must complete for the day.

–          Use a digital calendar for yourself to block off times you are working, not working, special events, and scheduling appointments.

–          Share a calendar link for others to schedule time with you so you don’t have to remember but a notification will prompt you of upcoming meetings.

2.      Avoid Unnecessary Distractions

–          Don’t start the day answering emails or scrolling social media, that leads to a loss of time and energy that blocks you from being productive.

–          Instead, start with your most challenging task. Working through the hard stuff earlier when you are more energized and motivated will save you time. 

–          Take care of your business first and then return to others who need your support or back to scrolling social media.

3.      Schedule Time to Relax

–          Avoid burnout and crashing by giving yourself breaks throughout the day. Again, use an alarm or set a timer.  These short breaks will offer you the reset you need to stay productive.

–          If you’re not able to relax through the week, plan to do something over the weekend to recharge.

What I know for sure is when you manage your time, you build a stronger sense of time and will be more productive. 

Start today deploying one or all these strategies.  Set your intention to find a more effective and productive way to manage your time and see how fast you can get things done. 

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