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3 Questions to Stop Overwhelm

Melissa Kirkpatrick
Ready to stop the overwhelm in your life? Our business & life coach shares how you can release the stress and anxiety.

As a busy mom, business owner, or entrepreneur, you know how stress can be overwhelming. Avoiding stress is nearly impossible.

Many suggest finding an exercise that moves you to relieve stress or do meditation to ease anxiety.  

If you are unable to do exercise or mediation, focus on gratitude.

Gratitude offers the release of anxiety and stress by bringing you back to the present moment and raising your negative energy to a higher vibration.

It begins with finding three things a day to be grateful for.  Thinking of those things will help you change your mood and feel overall happier.

…from a warm fuzzy blanket to coffee in bed, or for me speaking in front of people and sharing my story are on my gratitude list.

Don’t know where to begin? 

Try using the following 3 questions for your gratitude practice. 

– Who’s that one person you know, the one you’d call in the middle of the night, or who you want to be with any time, and think of three things about them that you are grateful for? 

– List three favorite things about YOU that you are grateful for. Don’t be shy. This is for you and no one else. Perhaps it’s your eyes, personality, or full-figure body. You know best what you like about YOU.

– At the end of the day, when climbing into bed, take a notebook and write down 3 things that you are grateful to have experienced that day. Don’t think too long, and everything is acceptable. Calming your mind with gratitude will offer you a better night’s sleep.

You can use the practice of gratitude throughout your day as well. When you find yourself stressed, pause, and think of three things that you are grateful for.

Over time, you will find that this inspired action to be in gratitude will release the buildup of anxiety and help release the energy behind the stress.

And in case you are wondering, “why 3?” This number is known as the number of harmony, wisdom, and understanding

Keep Shining!

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