Change City

3 Problems When Setting Goals

Melissa Kirkpatrick
Setting a goal is one thing. Achieving the goal is another. Our business and life coach shares a formula for achieving your goals. 

Goal setting may seem overwhelming, especially if you haven’t had the success you intended when working toward your goals.

Most forget when setting a goal the importance of being specific about a plan of action you’ll take to achieve the goal! 

Being specific about how you’ll work toward your goal will improve your success rate.

The problem with most goals is they are: 

  • Not specific enough
  • No action identified
  • Lack of accountability

Achieving any goal begins with a clear vision of the desired outcome. The missing link is not being specific about the goal.

Here’s a formula to help you be SPECIFIC about the goal and the ACTION you will take daily to achieve the goal.

I will (goal + performance measure) BY (specific actions)

Example: I will (lose 10 pounds in two months) BY (running on a treadmill for half an hour six days a week).

The ACTION is what keeps the goal insight. The question is when it comes to the action are you fully committing to the “specific action” or using excuses like you don’t have time?

To avoid using excuses, make time in your calendar. 

Block off the time you take the specific action as identified in your goal formula and make it non-negotiable, like a doctor’s appointment or important meeting. 

Then, check your progress by tracking your daily or weekly “specific actions” and evaluate where you spent your time.

Tracking offers accountability and will lead you to results faster.
The momentum will gain as you continue to see progress. And remember, progress over perfection wins every time.

Quick Recap on the Goal Formula:

  1. Write out your goal thinking in “one month from now…”
  2. Start with one short-term goal. More than one can be distracting.
  3. Give yourself one month to fully commit to tracking your progress.
  4. Identify where you are not taking the inspired action to achieve the goal and celebrate when you do.

Keep Shining!Melissa

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