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3 Powerful Ways to Uplevel Your Life

Melissa Kirkpatrick
Upleveling your life can be as easy as 1-2-3 when you learn a practice that our business and life coach shares in this week's column.

Upleveling your life begins when the morning alarm sounds! Working with clients, we have identified the following three habits that have impacted the speed at which they uplevel in their life and business.  

1. Create Inspiring Spaces

Personal and professional spaces impact your mindset. You can start with one room at a time. The goal is to boost your energy by feeling good when you enter the area. Ideas include adding a fresh coat of paint, a plant, or new flooring. Please keep it simple but allow it to be something that raises your energy when you walk into the room.

2. Don’t Be Held Back by People or Things

Clean up your space by eliminating those things that no longer hold value or bring you joy. Let it go if you’ve not used it, wore it, or looked at it for the past six months.

Also, be mindful that “people” may need to be let go. If you don’t have a common connection or they are too needy, it’s time to find new relationships that will lift you.

3. Morning Routine to Start Your Day Right

Start your morning in bed. Before you open your eyes, say, “thank you, I’m still here . This allows your mind, body, and spirit to know you still have work to do. Follow with a five-minute morning motivation or guided meditation.

I hear the excuses coming up. It’s only five minutes – you can set your alarm five minutes earlier to have time (wink).

Bonus: Think about your evening routine. Bedtime is critical in how your next day will start. Use this time to unplug from technology, write the top three things to do the next day, and listen to a bedtime meditation or calming sleep sounds.

Not a morning person? Maybe you will be after incorporating some of the above recommendations. 

For now, lean into the idea that you CAN uplevel your life, and the way will be shown.

Keep Shining!

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