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An Adventurous Morning Routine

Some mornings feel more like an adventure than a routine. Our business and life coach shares how you can create a morning routine that works for you!

The choices you make that first hour upon waking may determine how you will manage your day forward. 

Many successful people all have a solid morning routine, and they attribute a lot of their progress to this routine. 

Do you have an established morning routine that has you jumping out of bed in the morning? 

Or do you find mornings to be a challenge? 

You hit the snooze numerous times and bury your head under the pillow?

I know for me, I look at other successful people and think, what are they doing that I’m not? 

Is there a secret formula? 

So, I began the research and discovered that those individuals following a morning routine do gain greater control of their life having a morning routine. 

The research also indicated that they all do it differently! 

Yes, they are not cookie-cutter approaches. They all discovered what they desire, implement a plan, and develop a routine that met their personal needs as well as fit into their morning schedule.

Yes, they had similar activities but in a different order, or even shorter or longer amounts of time, such as meditation, getting ready, or workouts.

From this discovery, if you want to start or improve a morning routine, there are a few things to build into the development of your plan.

Mantra: “I am ready to make the morning count no matter what the day may bring!” allowing you to think differently about the morning and gives you the validation you can manage your day.

New Belief: “one size fit all” –NOT. Sometimes we are “programmed” to believe certain things, which, my dear, is not one of them. 

Decide: Experiment with options. Give yourself permission to say yes to what feels good and no to what seems like a struggle.  The decision is yours alone, and you choose based on flow and ease.

Action: After defining the habits you would like to bring into your morning routine, take action. Begin with learning to quiet your mind and doing the routine, knowing you are boosting your productivity and success.

Remember: “A carefully choreographed morning routine is the key to a productive day.”

Want to learn more? Here is a gift for you.  Morning Routine free video training. 

Cheers to living the life you deserve! 


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